Li SOCl2 Batteries Safety Hazard Handling

来源:Maxwell 发布时间:2024-06-19 15:25:11 点击数: 78

The safety procedures for handling the GMB high-terperature Li SOCl2 Batteries in case of battery damage, leak, spill and disposal procedures.

1. Damage:
· If the battery casing is damaged or shows signs of swelling, stop using the battery immediately and isolate it from other batteries.
· Wear protective gloves and goggles before handling a damaged battery.Do not attempt to open or repair the battery casing.
· Place the damaged battery in a fire-resistant container and contact the manufacturer or a professional battery disposal service for proper disposal.

2. Leak:
· In case of a battery leak, wear protective gloves and goggles before handling the battery.
· Do not touch the leaked material with bare hands or inhale the fumes.
· If the leaked material comes into contact with your skin, immediately rinse it off with plenty
of water and seek medical attention.
· If the leaked material gets into your eyes, flush them with water for at least 15minutes and seek medical attention.
· Place the leaking battery in a plastic bag and contact the manufacturer or a professional battery disposal service for proper disposal.

3. Spill:
· In case of a battery spill, wear protective gloves and goggles before handling the battery.
· Use an absorbent material, such as sand or vermiculite, to contain the spill.
· Scoop the spilled material into a plastic bag and contact the manufacturer or a professional battery disposal service for proper disposal.

4. Disposal:
· Do not dispose of the battery in the regular trash or recycling bin.
· Contact the manufacturer or a professional battery disposal service for proper disposal.
· Follow all federal, state, and local regulations for battery disposal.

It is important to handle GMB high-temperature Li SOCl2 batteries with care and to dispose of them properly to protect the environment and prevent accidents.